Quay lại

Ngày đăng: 06/03/2019

Launch of new growth era

- In 2018, Vietnam Textiles & Garments export value reached USD36 billion, an increase of 16% versus 2017. Vietnam outpaced main competing countries such as India, Bangladesh and Turkey, who got a small single-digit growth in 2018. Vietnam Textiles & Garment Association set a feasible target of USD41 billion export value for this sector by 2020, at a CAGR of 6.7%.

- New plant Viet Long Hung is the main growth engine of VGG in the long-term, which would double the company’s capacity. VGG invested in Phase-2 of the new plant in late 2018, right after phase-1 completion, in order to capture the sector growth.

Báo cáo phân tích cổ phiếu VGG - Tổng Công ty cổ phần May Việt Tiến (UpCOM) (bản tiếng Anh)
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